Dr. Luis Enrique González Jiménez
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- Dr. Luis Enrique González Jiménez
Dr. Luis Enrique González Jiménez
Departamento de Electrónica, Sistemas e Informática
Tel. 36693434 Ext. 3670
Doctor y maestro en Ciencias de la Ingeniería Eléctrica por el Centro de Investigación y de Estudios Avanzados (Cinvestav) del Instituto Politécnico Nacional (IPN) en la unidad Guadalajara. Ingeniero en Electrónica por el Instituto Tecnológico de Sonora. Ha publicado numerosos trabajos especializados en las áreas de robótica, visión computacional, control automático y sistemas en tiempo real. Ha trabajado en proyectos financiados para la construcción de un humanoide con capacidad de caminar e interactuar con su entorno.
Desde el 2012, labora en el Instituto Tecnológico y de Estudios Superiores de Occidente (ITESO) como profesor investigador en el Departamento de Electrónica, Sistemas e Informática. Sus líneas de investigación incluyen el control no lineal robusto, los sistemas robóticos guiados por visión y los sistemas embebidos de control. Fue aceptado en el Sistema Nacional de Investigadores (SNI) en el nivel Candidato con vigencia 2014-2016 y promovido al nivel 1 del SNI por el período de 2021-2023.
Campos de Especialidad
Sistemas embebidos, sistemas robóticos, sistemas de control, visión computacional.
Publicaciones recientes
Artículos de revista
M. A. Carlos-Mancilla, L. F. Luque-Vega, H. A. Guerrero-Osuna, G. Ornelas-Vargas, Y. Aguilar-Molina, L. E. González-Jiménez, "Educational Mechatronics and Internet of Things: A Case Study on Dynamic Systems Using MEIoT Weather Station", SENSORS, 2020.
R. A. Garcia-Huerta, L. E. González-Jiménez, I. E. Villalon-Turrubiates, "Sensor Fusion Algorithm Using a Model-Based Kalman Filter for the Position and Attitude Estimation of Precision Aerial Delivery Systems", SENSORS, 2020.
W. A. Mayorga-Macías, L. E. González-Jiménez, M. A. Meza-Aguilar and L. F. Luque-Vega, "Velocity Sensor for Real-Time Backstepping Control of a Multirotor Considering Actuator Dynamics", SENSORS, 2020.
W. A. Mayorga-Macías, M. A. Meza-Aguilar, L. E. González-Jiménez, L. F. Luque-Vega. "Low-Cost Experimental Methodology for the Dynamic Model Approximation of Multirotor Actuators". International Journal of Aerospace Engineering, 2020.
A. Villanueva, L. F. Luque-Vega, L. E. González-Jiménez, and C. A. Arellano-Muro, "Robust Multi-mode Flight Framework Based on Sliding Mode Control for a Rotary UAV", Robotica, 2020.
F. J. Arriaga-Méndez, O. F. Mendiola-Meza, E. Vargas-Mascorro and L. E. González-Jiménez, "Embedded Diagnostics of Conveyor Belts Actuated by Induction Motors", Latin American Transactions, IEEE, 2020.
J. J. Ley-Rosas, J. E. Ruiz-Duarte, L. E. González-Jiménez, A. G. Loukianov , "Observer based super-twisting controller for vehicles with roll dynamics", Journal of the Franklin Institute, 2018 (accepted).
L. E. González Jiménez; B. Castillo Toledo; E. Bayro Carrochano, "Robust Tracking Of Bio-Inspired References For A Biped Robot Using Geometric Algebra And Sliding Mode Control". ROBOTICA, Vol.33, Pag.209-224, 2015.
Luis E. González Jiménez; Eduardo Bayro Corrochano; Alexander Loukianov, "Discrete Integral Sliding Mode Control In Visual Object Tracking". International Journal of Humanoids Robotics, Vol.7, Pag.491-509, 2010.
Artículos de congreso
L. F. Luque Vega, E. Lopez-Neri, C. A. Arellano-Muro, L. E. González-Jiménez, J. Ghommam and R. Carrasco-Navarro, "UAV Flight Instructional Design for Industry 4.0 based on the Framework of Educational Mechatronics," IECON 2020 The 46th Annual Conference of the IEEE Industrial Electronics Society, 2020.
Raul A. Garcia-Huerta, Ivan E. Villalon-Turrubiates, Luis E. González-Jiménez, and Gerardo Allende-Alba, "KALMAN FILTER-BASED TRAJECTORY ESTIMATION USING A LOW-COST SENSOR AND AERIAL IMAGES", International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium, IEEE, 2020.
Miranda-Flores, Juan Rodolfo; Luque-Vega, Luis Fernando; López-Neri, Emmanuel; González-Jiménez, Luis Enrique; Saad, Maarouf, "DESIGN AND IMPLEMENTATION OF A NOVEL ROBOT MANIPULATOR KIT FOR INDUSTRY 4.0 TRHOUGH EDUCATIONAL MECHATRONICS", The 22nd International Conference on Engineering and Product Design Education, 2020.
Raul A. Garcia-Huerta, Ivan E. Villalon-Turrubiates, Luis E. González-Jiménez, and Gerardo Allende-Alba, "Accuracy Estimation of a Low-Cost GPS Receiver Using Landmarks On Aerial Images" In Proceedings of International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium, IEEE, Yokohama, Japan, 2020.
D. A. Michel-Torres, L. F. Luque-Vega, E. Lopez-Neri, M. A. Carlos-Mancilla and L. E. Gonzalez-Jiménez, "IoT based Smart Vehicle Presence Sensor SPIN-V for Smart Parking System," 2019 14th Annual Conference System of Systems Engineering (SoSE), Anchorage, AK, USA, 2019, pp. 236-241.
José R. Delsordo-Bustillo, Santiago Soulé-Ascencio, Luis E. González-Jiménez, "Position Control of a DC Motor based on Block Control and a Sliding Mode Observer", In Proceedings of National Congress of Automatic Control, IEEE, Puebla, México, 2019.
J. J. Ley-Rosas, J. E. Ruiz-Duarte, L. E. González-Jiménez, A. G. Loukianov, "Higher Order Sliding Mode and Adaptive Backstepping Controllers for a Full-Car Model with Active Suspension", in 2018 European Control Conference, Limassol, Cyprus, June 2018 (presented).
J. G. Romero, J. J. Ley-Rosas, R. Cisneros, L. E. González-Jiménez, and A. G. Loukianov, "A globally exponentially convergent I&I observer for vehicles with roll dynamics," in 20th IFAC World Congress, Toulouse, France, July 2017, pp. 3394-3399.
J. J. Ley-Rosas, L. E. González-Jiménez, A. G. Loukianov, and J. E. Ruiz-Duarte, "Robust observer-based sliding mode controller for vehicles with roll dynamics," in 2016 IEEE 55th Conference on Decision and Control (CDC), Las Vegas, NV, Dec. 2016, pp. 740-745.
L.F. Luque-Vega, L.E. Gonzalez Jimenez, B. Castillo-Toledo, A. Loukianov, J. Ghommam and M. Saad, "Distributed Super Twisting Controller For Multiple Quadrotors." 10th System of Systems Engineering Conference (SoSE), Pag.368-373, 2015.
C. A. Arellano-Muro, B. Castillo-Toledo, A.G. Loukianov, L. F. Luque-Vega and L. E. Gonzalez-Jimenez, "Quaternion-Based Trajectory Tracking Robust Control For A Quadrotor." 10th System of Systems Engineering Conference (SoSE), Pag.386-391. 2015
J. Oviedo-Barriga, O. Carbajal-Espinosa, L. González-Jiménez, B. Castillo-Toledo and E. Bayro-Corrochano, "Robust Tracking Of Bio-Inspired References For A Biped Robot Using Geometric Algebra And Sliding Modes". IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA) Pag.5317-5322, 2013.
O. E. Carbajal-Espinosa, L. E. Gonzalez-Jimenez, A. Loukianov and E. Bayro Corrochano, "Robust Dynamic Control Of An Arm Of A Humanoid Using Super Twistingalgorithm And Conformal Geometric Algebra". Computational Kinematics, Proceedings of the 6th International Workshop on Computational Kinematics (CK2013), Vol.15, Pag.261-269, 2013.
Luis E. González Jiménez, Oscar Eleno Carbajal Espinosa y Eduardo Bayro Corrochano, "Geometric Techniques For The Kinematic Modeling And Control Of Robotic Manipulators". Proceedings of the 2011 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA), Pag.5831-5836, 2011.
Eduardo Bayro-Corrochano, Luis E. González-Jiménez, Oscar Eleno Carbajal-Espinosa y Alexander G. Loukianov, "Geometric Techniques For Nonlinear Control Of Robots". Electronic Proceedings of The 9th International Conference on Clifford Algebras and their Applications in Mathematical Physics (ICCA9), 2011.
Luis Enrique González Jiménez, Eduardo Bayro Corrochano y Alexander G. Loukianov, "Fully Nested Super-Twisting Algorithm For Uncertain Robotic Manipulators". IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA), Pag.5807-5812, 2011.
Luis Enrique González Jiménez, Eduardo Bayro Corrochano y Alexander Loukianov, "Integral Nested Super-Twisting Algorithm For Robotic Manipulators" Proceedings of the 2010 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS), Pag.3580-3585, 2010.
Capítulos de libro
Raul Campos-Rodriguez, Luis Gonzalez-Jimenez, Francisco Cervantes-Alvarez, Francisco Amezcua-Garcia and Miguel Fernandez-Garcia, "Multiagent Systems in Automotive Applications", in Multi-agent Systems, Editor Jorge Rocha, INTECH Open Science, 2017, pp. 43-66. ISBN: 978-953-51-3536-4.
Luis E. González-Jiménez, Marco A. Meza-Aguilar, Walter A. Mayorga-Macías, and Luis F. Luque-Vega, "Model-Based Fault Detection of Permanent Magnet Synchronous Motors of Drones Using Current Sensors", to appear in New Developments and Advances in Robot Control, Eds. Derbel, Nabil, Ghommam, Jawhar, Zhu, Quanmin, Ed. Springer ,2019, ISBN: 978-981-13-2211-2.
H. A. Rivas-Silva, L. E. González-Jiménez, R. Ruiz-Cruz, and R. Campos-Rodriguez (ITESO), "Sistema y método para la reprogramación de dispositivos ECU (unidades electrónicas de control) en vehículos, vía radio digital," Mexican Patent Application MX/a/2015/009228 (IMPI), Jul. 16, 2015.
H. A. Rivas-Silva, L. E. González-Jiménez, R. Ruiz-Cruz, and R. Campos-Rodriguez (ITESO), "System and method for reprogramming ECU devices (Electronic Control Units) in vehicles, via radio digital," International Patent Application PCT/MX2015000106 (European Patent Office), Feb. 21, 2018.